Gat's Journal

Petrova, my squad leader, has always kept her composure no matter what she was facing. I have always admired her discipline, and that is why I was shocked to answer my cabin door to find her looking up at me with grief so openly painted on her face.

She said she felt it best if her squad learned of the news from the face of a comrade. The news she gave me shook me to by bones, and left a pit of despair deep inside. As most of you are no doubt aware by now, or beloved Lord Hakim has passed on from this world. This has come as a shock to us all, as he was a good 50 years under his expected lifespan.

I saw a pool of tears start to well up in Petrova’s eyes as she finished giving me the news. She pressed her face into my shoulder, and I awkwardly placed my hand on hers.

Neither of us are ones for affection, but I must admit human contact was not unwelcome at a time like this.

I have come to the realization that I—

… Scramble sirens have just sounded.
